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Your Success Begins with Us

Canadian College Kuwait offers high-quality and world-class Canadian Business and Advanced Technology diploma programs in the State of Kuwait.

Graduates receive dual diploma credentials, internationally from Algonquin College – Canada and locally by Canadian College Kuwait (CCK). We are accredited by the Private Universities Council (PUC) and the Ministry of Higher Education in Kuwait.

There are many good reasons that Canadian College Kuwait is your best choice for undergraduate studies in Kuwait:

Canadian Quality

  • CCK’s curriculum is Canadian-based and Canada’s education system is recognized as one of the best in the world.

Kuwait Accredited

  • CCK and its programs are accredited by the Kuwait Ministry of Higher Education and the Kuwait Private Universities Council.

Excellent Faculty

  • Our highly-qualified, experienced faculty come to us from around the world and use the latest teaching techniques and technologies to deliver lessons that are informative and inspirational.

State-of-the-Art Facilities, Systems and Equipment

  • CCK’s facilities are new and built to the highest international standards. AC-Kuwait’s equipment and educational technologies are state-of-the-art, thus enhancing your learning experience and providing you with 24/7 access to your learning resources.

Focus on Application

  • With a focus on hands-on, practical skills and applications, classes at CCK are more interesting, more relevant, and more valuable to you.

Positive, Supporting Learning Environment

  • CCK’s Faculty and Student Services personnel work closely together to provide you with a learning environment that’s positive in tone, supportive in nature, and focused on student success.

Program Flexibility

  • CCK’s innovative 2+2 program structure provides you with incredible flexibility. After achieving your two-year Diploma, you can choose to pursue employment or admission into year 3 of a degree program and most diplomas qualify you for admission to multiple AC Kuwait degree programs, thus providing you with multiple choices and flexibility.

Employability upon Graduation

  • With a credential affiliated with Canada and recognized in Kuwait, as a CCK graduate, you will be highly employable in Kuwait and internationally.